Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Everyone here seems to have a toy. Whether its a huge RV, snowmobile, or ATV, if you take a walk around the neighborhood you are almost guaranteed to see one or more of these in everyone's driveway. Side note--recently at a Shell dinner this guy was talking about getting a sled for the winter. I was thinking how fun that would be in slide down a hill on a trash can lid or something. THEN he stated that it was going to cost 3500 dollars, used. Apparently in Pinedale "sled" means snowmobile. Anyways, lots of people here have ATVs and they like to drive them around town like cars. On Sunday I saw a guy drive up to church in one with his two little boys. THANKFULLY I had my camera on hand at the homecoming parade (more on that later) to catch a picture of this guy:

Please notice the gun in the backseat and his ponytail. I love this town.

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