There's a new kid in town...and his name is Charlie 2.0.
Charlie previously looked like this:
But now he looks like this:
What's the difference you may be asking (besides the fact that he has obviously shaved)? NO MORE PACIFIER!!!!
We took the pacifier away on Thursday and Charlie has been a completely different kid since then. It has been amazing!
Let me back up a bit... We started giving C a pacifier when he was pretty young and it worked was able to calm him down and soothe him to sleep no problem! Well, as he has gotten bigger he has started to rely on it more and more and more. It got to the point where he was waking up 4-5 times a night wanting it back in his mouth. For a few weeks I could just walk like a zombie into his room, pop it in and he would fall right back asleep. But for the last few weeks he was getting so worked up about not having it that even having it wouldn't help.
In fact, every night this week he was waking up during the night and crying for an HOUR or more and completely could not be consoled. Did I also mention he was having problems eating? This kid was just having issues all over the place.
Thursday morning I basically had a complete meltdown because he had been awake in the night screaming from 2:30-3:30 and then from 4:30 on. I could not get him to calm down, to eat, to sleep, ANYTHING. He was crying, I was crying, it was just not a happy time. I knew something had to give.
I've been doing a Bible study on "Becoming a Woman of Faith". I've been learning about what faith really is and what it means to have faith in the Lord, in all things. Does God really care that I have a screaming baby? The answer is YES! Thursday morning through my tears I finally looked up and said Lord I just can not do this on my own anymore (I have a tendency to think I never need anyone's help...) I asked for wisdom beyond my own understanding and sure enough I got it!
After consulting with some other momma's and Godly women, I decided I should try taking the pacifier away. If he was going to cry all night, he might as well cry with a purpose! My sister prepared me that when she took the pacifier away from her youngest it took about 3 nights for him to adjust. I warned Mickey and prepared for the worst! (Not only were we taking his pacifier away, we were also going to unswaddle his arms and have him sleep on his stomach, so a lot of changes!) But did God give me the worst?? NO, he let my child adjust to his new sleeping arrangement in ONE NAP!
I can not even tell you how amazing life is now. If Charlie wakes up during the night, he can now soothe himself back to sleep. He is more well rested and happier during the day. He eats better and he doesn't even mind riding in the car now! We are calling our new child Charlie 2.0!
Oh, did I mention he slept through the night for the first time on Friday night?!
Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and for caring about all things, even the ones we think are small.